Sunday, February 20, 2011


     I'm not a very superstitious person nor did I used to believe in luck, but recently I have began to think that there are people who are unlucky and some people who are just lucky. I'm an avid poker player, I usually play a few times each week, whether it be in tournaments and/or cash games. As of lately though I have been on a terrible run which is what made me start to think some people are just more lucky than others.
     Those of you who play poker, or know anything about the game, know that it is considered to be a game of skill. Whether you try to read your opponents body language or pick up on some type of tell they may have to help you gain information about their hand. The goal is to take your opponents money, or chips. The game is not as simple as people think it is; it's a numbers game that involves a player knowing their percentages of hitting a hand or even how many cards they have left in the deck to win with.
    This is why I think some people are lucky and others are just unlucky. For the last month or so, I have been consistently losing hands in which I'm statistically supposed to win. When your supposed to win so many hands by such large margins and I'm losing them all of the time, a person cannot help but wonder how much of a factor luck is. Now I'm not saying that poker is all about luck, because when you're playing with thousands of dollars on the table thats different than playing for a few hundred dollars. I don't consider myself a lucky person at games or anything which is why I'm wondering how other people feel about luck. Let me know how you feel about the subject of luck.

1 comment:

  1. I think luck comes in waves for everyone. I also think luck is sort of connected to karma. If you are a good person and trying to be a productive member of society, and have had some rough luck, I think it will turn around. Not in the sense of poker games, but more on a main stream level, like jobs, family, ect.
