Friday, January 28, 2011

Why am I at VCU?

     According to Ken Steele, I would be a careerist, a person attending college as a means to an end: getting a job. Now don't get me wrong, I am attending college so that I can get a job. However, that is not the only reason that I'm attending college to become a health and physical education teacher. Not only am I interested in health and physical education for my own life, I would like to help teach the subject to the youth of America.
     When I was in high school I don't feel like I learned much about health or physical education. In health class I learned basic information related to our bodies and a very little about nutrition, the nutrition I learned being the food pyramid. In physical education class the only that I learned was how to play sports, but I was never taught the sports skills or anything about the components of fitness. With childhood obesity on the rise due to lack of physical activity and poor dietary choices I feel that children and teenagers need to be better educated on those areas.
     I know that when I was growing up if I would have known more about physical activity or about nutrition I would have made some better choices. This is why I chose to become a health and physical education teacher. I want to help give children and teenagers, a better understanding of just how important fitness and their diets are in their lives. I guess I would classify myself as an educator, a person who goes to school because they have an interest in a specific field and they want to pass that information on to others.

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