Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dialogue Story

“Hey Mark, Where you been? I have not seen you in over a week.”
“Man after that party last weekend I got arrested.”
“Arrested, what the hell did you get arrested for?”
“When I was walking home last weekend, I heard a crash and a woman screaming coming from              
 a house.”
“So what did you do?”
“Well naturally I ran towards the house to what was happening. By the time I got to the house where all the    noise was coming from all I could see was a person in dark cloths running down the street and the door to the house hanging wide open.”
“Man that’s crazy.”
“That’s not even the worst part, since the door was hanging wide open I yelled into the house to see if everyone was alright, but no one answered.”
“Dude, please don’t tell me you went into that house.”
“Unfortunately I did and the next thing I remember is waking up on the floor and being surrounded by cops.”
“What the heck happened when you went into the house? I’m guessing the homeowner must have thought you were the burglar. “
“Yes she did after I walked into the house she hit me upside the head with a baseball bat.”
“That must have hurt like hell.”
“It did believe me; look at this lump on the back of my head.”
“Damn, so how did you convince the cops you were not the burglar?”
“Luckily for me the real burglar went and sold some of the stolen goods to a local pawn shop that the lady reported stolen and the cops were able to track him down.”
“You got lucky that the thief was not very smart.”
“I sure did, I’m guessing that I would have went to jail for a crime I did not commit.”
“Thank god thieves are not the smartest people on earth.”
“True dat, I’m just glad to be a free man again.”
“I’m glad you’re alright. So are you coming to my party tonight?”
“I would not miss it for the world bro, I’ll be there.”


  1. That's pretty scary man. Hope nothing like this happens again. Just remember to be safe.

  2. LOL......Thats not a true story, it's just something I made up for the dialogue assignment.
