Friday, March 4, 2011

NFL Labor Talks

     Talks between the National Football League (NFL) owners and players are still going trying to reach an agreement, so there will not be a strike next season. As the previous labor agreement came to an end the two sides were able to come to an agreement on one thing, that was to extend the previous agreement by 24 hours. Lets get real though if they were unable to come to an agreement over the past few months what makes them think that 24 hours is going to help? I don't think that it is going to help, but what do I know I'm just a football fan. I'm one of the people that will actually be affected by an NFL strike. Not the millionaire or billionaire owner's of the teams or the players that make millions of dollars each year.
     The fans are the people who make the billion dollar business of the NFL possible and without us, the players would not have jobs and the owners would not be making billions of dollars every year. The major issue for both the players and the owners is money, whether they want to admit it or not. The players want a bigger slice of the pie and the owners don't want to share any of the money that they are racking in. Yes their are a few other issues, but everything stems back to the money.
     For us die hard sports fans if you think back to a few years ago when Major League Baseball (MLB) decided they would strike due to similar reasons. They lost many fans and at the same time the league and players lost money. It would be smart for both sides to come to an agreement so they can avoid the same mistake that MLB made, it took years for them to get their fan base back and they are still trying to fully recover from that mistake. Only time will tell if the owners and the players will wise up and come to an agreement or if they are willing to chance losing all that money next year.

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