Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Romance/Sci-Fi Story

            It was Marie and Wayne’s wedding anniversary, so they decided to go and spend a romantic weekend at the beach. Their first day there was going great; the weather was perfect. So they spent most of the day lying out on the beach soaking up the sun while going in and out of the ocean. They were both tired from sitting in the sun all day, so they decided to go back to the hotel and rest a while before going out for dinner.
            Upon returning to their room, Marie and Wayne got carried away by the romantic setting in the hotel and beach and made love. The passionate love-making made both of them even more exhausted, so they easily dosed off to sleep. They were both so exhausted that they over slept and missed their dinner reservations. Then Marie thought it would be romantic for the two of them to take a picnic to the beach to watch the sunset.
            While Marie was getting ready for their beach dinner, Wayne went and picked up their food and a couple of bottles of wine from a local store. Once he returned, they went down to the beach for their picnic. They found a secluded spot on the beach, with a great view of the setting sun. They ate their dinner and drank the first bottle of wine, as they watched the sun set over the ocean. After the sun set, the temperature began to cool. Wayne put a blanket they brought along around their shoulders and they started on the second bottle of wine.
            Before they knew it, there was a light in the sky that was moving quickly in their direction. They watched as the object got closer and closer, and bigger and bigger! It was not long before a large circular object was hurling towards the beach, it seemed right towards them. The next thing they knew, there was a loud crash and the large object had crashed into the beach about 100 yards from where they were sitting.
            In fright, Marie quickly gathered all of their things so they could leave. Wayne, however, wanted to go and check out what landed on the beach. He talked Marie into going to check it out with him. When the two of them arrived at the site, they were not sure if it was some type of unidentified flying object or if it was some type of government plane. The circular plane was about the size of a Volkswagen beetle. As the two of them were inspecting the object, something on the side of the plane began to open up and out of the opening stepped a shadowy being.
            The shadowy figure began speaking directly to Wayne. “Wayne, you are the only living being that help the people of my planet. I need you to come back with me.”
            Wayne was curious, so he asked, “What is it that I can do to help your people?”
            The shadowy figure moved forward and showed herself. She was an attractive creature with a curvy figure; teal colored skin and long, flowing, and purple hair. She looked directly in Wayne’s eyes and said, “Why, you are the only remaining male human who survived after my people’s experiment on human’s in the late 1980s. Now, we need you to breed with other Czirxians for our kind to survive.”
            Well, Wayne thought this particular Czirxian was sexy, and forgot about Marie standing behind him on the beach. So, he got on the aircraft with her, leaving Marie behind, to go and procreate with the sexy Czirxians. As the flying object took off, Marie stood there in awe as she watched her husband fly away into the unknowns with a mysterious, unidentified creature.

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