Thursday, March 24, 2011

Two Wars is Enough

     With American troops still fighting in and dieing Afghanistan and no end in sight for our war in Iraq, I feel that putting more American troops into another battle overseas would be a terrible idea. I understand that whats going on in Libya is not humane and something needs to be done about it, but I feel the United States should let other nations intervene this time. The way that President Obama is talking about the need to get Muammar Gaddafi out of power reminds me all to much about what was being said about Saddam Hussein before the second Gulf War, in which we are still fighting.
     If we were to put troops in Libya I can foresee the exact same thing happening their that is currently happening in Iraq. American soldiers would end up getting stuck in a country that only wanted us their for one reason, to remove their ruler. Not to mention the fact that it would cost more American soldiers their lives. In addition, it would cost the United States Government more money. I feel that we are already investing a great deal of money in Iraq, when we have enough economic problems going on right here in the United States. I hope for the sake of this country that President Obama and Congress come to their senses and pull the American forces out of Libya before we end up with another Iraq on our hands.   

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Joe, but I think it is also more than a war against Ghadafi. It is essentially the issue of rescuing Libya and its people from that dictator, but it is also a war of power. The United States can't just leave other nations be in charge in Libya without their superposition and leadership. They are already in charge to organize this war and lead beside the United Nations. Moreover, Libyan people kind of feel better about the US because of their pervious experiments with the Italian invasion.
