Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's that time of year again.......

     As the title says its that time of year again, what time of year is that you might ask? It's time to schedule for next semester, which for most of you freshmen here at VCU you will find is normally a stressful time. I'm a Health and Physical Exercise (HPEX) major and scheduling every semester is a struggle. I understand that it is not one of the biggest programs here at VCU, but they definitely need to add more sections to the classes that are also requirements for other majors as well.
     Due to the limited number of sections available it's almost certain that it will take you more than 4 years to get your Bachelor's  Degree. When I first arrived at VCU I thought perhaps it was because I was one of the last people scheduling, but as I have progressed into the program learned that its just difficult to get into the required classes. The majority of class that we are required to take only offer one section per semester and some of them only offer one section every other semester which makes it even harder to get into them. I'm not sure if the program has grown faster than  anticipated or if there is a shortage of professors, but this issue needs to be addressed.

So enjoy your scheduling, I know I'm having a blast!

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